Cupping is an ancient medical therapy used by some people to relieve pain. The therapist places the cups on your back, abdomen, arms, legs or other parts of your body. Inside the cup, a vacuum or suction force pulls the skin up.
There are two types of cupping therapy. One is stationary, which is used to eliminate blood stagnation and accelerate the release of pathogens, while the other is a massage, where the therapist moves the cups around the area to help relieve stress and congestion. The type of therapy you get depends on the type of pain you are experiencing.
Cupping is ideal for people who have experienced back pain, muscle pain, stress and stiff neck. Typically, modern cups are made of clear plastic, which is often attached to a manually operated air pump and tube. There is a valve in the cup which serves as a passage for the air which is released from the cup when it is removed. In fact, there are different cup sizes that allow more concentrated or wider contact with different acupressure points. Although there is little sensation, the treatment is not painful. In fact, people with cupping massage therapy say it’s actually relaxation.
A popular area where cupping therapy get done is back area. These cups help stimulate the ligaments and hard parts of the tissue. Other areas may include the shoulders, neck, abdomen, thighs and legs.
For the first 10 to 20 minutes, therapist will perform a muscle relaxation massage. Then the cups are applied, and they will perform their work for up to 20 minutes. When done, the cups will be removed and the session will end. Typical sessions can last from 45 minutes to an hour.
After one session, the marks of the suction cups light up
but it can take up to a week for these marks to heal.
People often use cupping to reduce the conditions that cause pain. Some people say it can also help with chronic (persistent) health problems. Cupping can relax symptoms of:
Most providers use glass or plastic cups, but the cups can be:
There are several ways to perform cupping. The steps vary slightly depending on the method selected. Your provider leave the cups in place for a few minutes. Other treatments include quick movement of the cups to stretch and massage the area. Depending on the treatment, your therapist may place different cups on your skin. Cupping methods include:
The suction power of the cupping breaks the small blood vessels under the skin. You will have circular traces of a wound that will disappear in a week or two.
Cupping is a relatively low risk therapy. However, you may experience:
Because researchers are not very familiar with the effects of cupping therapy during pregnancy, expectant mothers should not receive any therapy. You should also avoid cupping therapy if you have:
There are not many good studies on the effectiveness of cupping. And scientists don’t know much about why and how people can get help from cupping therapy. Cupping can provide a placebo effect, which means it helps because people believe in it.
The seating costs between Rs 1,000 and 7,000. It takes 20 to 40 minutes. Only three sessions, a month or more, per year.
You should call your healthcare provider if you have experience:
Cupping therapy can help reduce some symptoms such as pain. Not much is known about the effectiveness of therapy, how it works, or what conditions it treats. Although cupping is relatively safe, you should talk to your healthcare provider before starting treatment.